Introducing a better way to stay healthy!
Knowledge is the key to self-empowerment! Without an understanding of your energy dynamics and your true essence, it is difficult to know what to do to acquire optimal health & wellness.
The Biopulsar is advanced holistic technology that shows you the health of:
- Your body – via the measuring of 49 body parts
- Your mind – based on the frequencies of 8 brain regions
- Your emotions – through the colour language
- Your spiritual connection – by the way of your chakra flow

Instantly see the body’s physical health!
The Biopulsar-Reflexograph® allows any holistic practitioner to instantly see the body’s physical health and access the hidden and forgotten emotional and mental attributes–making the connection of the body, mind and spirit.
Agronomic Design
Quicker to complete than most testing methods
- No need for the patient to disrobe
Easy to do at the onset of every appointment
Regular scans combined with monitoring a client’s health progress; is preventative medicine
Affordable to build into every client session
- Use as an adjunct before more expensive testing