Grounds and focuses daily activity and helps to release past issues and blockages by building up your root.
Aids in connecting you to your creative forces, unifies your body, mind and spirit and brings them into synergy.
Helps to release mental stress, energizes the digestive system and brings any imbalances back into harmony.
Brings inner peace through acceptance and self-love, gives a better overall balance and integration of energies.
Enhances your communication and planning abilities and aids in stimulating your inner confidence.
Helps to unite your outer and inner being and opens your inner consciousness and intuitive knowledge.
Creates a stronger link with cosmic energy and a closer identity with oneness and connects you to Divine Light.
Aids in opening up for channelling and promotes a deeper self-confidence through self-identity.
Assists in achieving greater attunement with Divine Universal Love and helps you to understand your true self.
Supports you to overcome any negative and depressive thoughts through balancing your emotions.
Makes it easier for you to use your own masculine energy and to understand the law of duality.
Enables you to get in contact with you feminine energy and serves all your creative actions, giving you a feeling of freedom.